Friday, June 5, 2015

Officially Homeless

As I tried to find a comfortable position wrapped up in my comforter like a hot dog, I found myself sweating and laying in wait for someone to come along and open up my garage door and find me sleeping inside amongst my cherished belongings..................................

I had tried everyone avenue to find a shelter for myself but continued to come across the same reasoning from every organization, a  prejudice of  a sort in the form of .... "we do not help single females whom are working and childless, sorry and god bless you.
I was shocked time and time again as I seem to hear the same phrase over and over each time. It sadden my heart, but made me wonder, what are the homeless suppose to do, find a short bridge and jump ?   Our society is so busy walking around with their eyes shut that they don't know or see what is happening. The working class, blue collar workers are worked to the bone and some to my recent discovery live in a shelter and receive government assistance of some sort. Yes government  assistance, we work for the government  and receive assistance as a means of survival, What a full circle joke.

As I stand in my own stench of sweat, I brag the bottled water and a towel to wash myself down.  The smell reminds me of a bathroom in a public park and I'm thinking to myself, whatever was I thinking to think I could endure this repeated session for another 20 days until my pay period and then finally would I experience freedom from living in my garage.  If it had a bathroom and shower it would be perfect. Now as I sit with my mind wondering from not getting enough sleep, I find myself confused and exhausted at the same time and its only 11 am!!  I have hours to go before the night mare begins again, but I have to change my thinking to a positive one and do my best to make things different and better so that I can manage this life style for the next couple of weeks. Will I be able to manage, with lots of prayer and determination I think I will.  LOL